Friday, September 26, 2008

When u think that u r actually safe.

Guess what i found today. A helmet on my studio's table.

"Just a normal motorcycle helmet only what, nothing special leh!" But i manage to see something on the helmet that catches my eye.

Going in for a closer inspection. And guess what i saw !

What the FUCK ! Which muthafucker on earth will produce a motorcycle helmet and put this sticker on it. At least this is only a helmet, if u crash u die. What if u found the similar sticker on this


U wish that u were actually wearing the helmet instead !


Anonymous said...

hahahaha where did u get the "not for fucking" picture?? u draw urself?

AlbertWu said...

of course lah !

Anonymous said...

waaa not bad wo.. can draw buildings and can draw ppl having sex lagi...

my blog is at "" btw.. no more at blogspot...

Bovies C said...

wtf? though u said no time for blogging? haha.. i lik your blog.. especially the first post.. after reading and slower scroll down then wtf?!!?! your fucking pervt face!!! hahah... Great Job! Extreme BLog! Keep it up!! kee update! Cheers!