Sunday, October 19, 2008

If Albert Wu became rich, famous and powerful !

Have u wonder what will happen to the world, if I were to become very very RICH, FAMOUS and POWERFUL ! Let me show u what the world will become;

There will be giant poster of me hanging outside ur office building, cause I own it and u r included.

My face will represent all the retail shop in the world, cause I own them too.

I am so desperately needed by everyone, I am a permanent display at Time Square skyline.

Lets just say that my pic will be placed everywhere, even at places that no one goes.

I am so rich and famous,the entire female population in the world will want to have a piece of me.

Especially those sexy kinky ones,

Even Victoria will be a fan of mine,

and supermodels want nothing but ME on them.

And HELL ! they are so crazy over me, I might even put my picture on their currency notes.

But just hope that all this fame and power will not turn me into this,

The Force is strong in me.


The Lazy Painter said...

very funny,i like it!!!lol..

TweeTwee said...

walao..tht your photo in d currency picture like something else le !!

cheekeong1986 said...

hey dude, u really pro in photoshop!
and the outrageous idea!

i77uddin said...

I wanna be powerful!